Scott’s Dog Behavior Blog

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About Scott

Scott Sheaffer, CBCC-KA, CDBC, CPDT-KA, is a dog behavior specialist. Scott specializes in the assessment and treatment of fear, anxiety, aggression and phobias in dogs six months and older.

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How COVID-19 Impacts Your Dog

We’re all hunkered down in our homes worried about how COVID-19 is going to impact our health and those around us. Many of us also worry about our jobs and the economy. But how about our dogs? How is all of this affecting them?

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Why is my Sweet Dog so Aggressive to People Outside of Our Family?

Almost everyone who owns a dog that is aggressive to people outside of the family asks me some form of the following question, “Why is my dog such a great and loving pet with our family but is so vicious and aggressive with people outside of our family?”

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The Dog Behavior Case I'll Never Forget

Five years ago I had an extremely challenging canine behavior case that I will never forget. Of the thousands of dog cases I’ve been involved in, this one rises above all others. Not because of the dog, but because of the people involved. It was an amazing learning experience for everyone…me included.

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10 Ways You Can Reduce Your Dog’s Fear at the Veterinarian’s Office

Dogs fall into one of three groups when making a visit to the veterinarian’s office: 1. Despite the pokes and prods, this group doesn’t mind veterinarian visits and actually enjoys all the attention. 2. This group doesn’t enjoy it but puts up with all of the unwanted fuss. 3. This group of dogs simply panics at the vet; they act aggressively, tremble, or shut down.

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Why Unpopular Dog Breeds May Be a Better Choice

There’s not a day that goes by without someone asking me what the best dog breed is. My smart-aleck answer is usually, “whatever breeds of dogs I currently own as my personal pets.” The real answer is not so simple, however. I’m going to challenge you in this short article to think differently about what kind of dog breed you might consider for your next dog.

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Can CBD Oil Help Dogs with Behavior Issues?

Sales of CBD oil products for pets are up 400% in the last couple of years and continue to grow. Many dog owners are using these products in an attempt to address behavior issues in their dogs. But, is CBD oil an effective way to treat behavior issues in dogs? Let’s explore this question further.

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Your Composure is Important When Your Dog is Losing It

What do I mean when I say a dog is “losing it”? I’m talking about when dogs go over threshold. “Threshold” is a term that defines the start of panic in a dog. Dogs go over threshold when they bark or show other aggressive behaviors to: unfamiliar humans or dogs, sudden loud noises, visitors at the front door, moving vehicles, etc.

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Are Grain-Free Dog Foods Really Killing Dogs?

In July of 2018 the FDA released a report that appeared to show a correlation between grain-free dog foods (also called limited ingredient diet dog foods) and the canine heart disease known as DCM (Dilated Cardiomyopathy). One of the theories is that these foods are deficient in taurine, an amino acid that is necessary for heart health.

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What's the difference between a dog trainer and a behavior consultant?

Does your dog have behavior issues you want to address but don’t know where to start? Should you seek the assistance of a dog trainer or a certified behavior consultant? Do you know the difference between the two and how to determine which is right for you?

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5 Things Your Dog Really Wants to Tell You

Your dog is constantly talking to you through his body language. His canine body language communication is quite sophisticated and we, as humans, are getting better at understanding it. But, if he could talk to you in the same way that you talk to humans, what would he tell you?

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Top 10 Countdown of Common Dog Myths

There are many frequently repeated falsehoods about dog behavior that most people assume are true. Below are 10 of those myths I hear regularly.

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Why Shock Collars are a Bad Idea for Canine Aggression

Haley (not her real name) was brought to me with escalating human aggression issues. She was a 1-1/2 year-old gorgeous black Labrador retriever when I first met with the owners. She was a great family pet according to the owners and they loved her like a family member. Haley started showing signs of aggression toward humans around eight months of age and things were getting progressively worse - especially lately.

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Did you know all dogs have a 3rd eyelid?

You have two eyelids per eye and I have two eyelids per eye - an upper eyelid and a lower eyelid. Your dog, like all dogs, has three eyelids per eye. You may not have known this because normally we don’t observe these eyelids in action. This third eyelid is called the nictitating membrane; it’s also called a haw. It’s found in birds, reptiles and some other mammals (e.g., camels) too.

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Can Your Anxiety Make Your Dog More Nervous?

The title of this article is a question I am asked in one form or another almost every day. “Can my anxiety make my dog more nervous?” The short answer to this question is an undeniable “yes”.

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How to Reduce Your Chances of Being Bitten by a Dog

As much as we love dogs, they do sometimes bite humans. I really hate when that happens because it hurts a lot, even when small dogs bite. Know that most dog bites can be avoided, but not all. Here are some quick general tips to help you reduce the chance of being a casualty of the business end of an angry dog.

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Why do people abuse dogs?

No one likes to talk about it, but dogs are routinely and intentionally abused. Who does this? How are these dogs abused? How can you tell if a dog is abused?

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