I just wanted to let you know that thanks to your help, Trixie and Mina can be completely free around each other without any issues. Now they can be fully free in the house without us having to watch like hawks and they hang out in the same room regularly. They can even go outside without us having to watch the whole time, and they can pass in a doorway or be in the hall without a problem. We couldn’t have done it without support and guidance (and the reminder to be patient because it takes time), so thank you so much!
Best, Nan and Sean ”
— Nan K., Dallas, Texas
“Good morning! This is Blossom’s person. I just wanted to let you know that she’s doing well! I got a Roomba, and I was expecting to introduce it slowly with lots of praise - she didn’t even flinch! I’m so proud of her. She has five people she likes now! Thank You! ”
— Kathryn N., Dallas, Texas
“Thanks, Scott!
We appreciate you, Barbara, and your guidance so much. I feel relieved that at least she has a chance to live a more calm life – the life she deserves to live! I truly think you are a rock star! Lee and I were discussing you this morning and saying how much we loved working with you and how amazing we think you are!
I suspect we may be back for a refresher at some point. Until then, I’ll keep you posted on how Libby is doing. Thank you again! Jack and I are so grateful (Libby too!).”
— Carla C., Highland Park, Texas
“Hello Scott,
You helped me get Ollie comfortable with being in the car. This is a picture of him on our 18-hour car trip to San Miguel de Allende. It was his 5th 18-hour car trip!
Hope you are doing well.”
— Sadie W., Highland Park, Texas
“Hi Scott!
An update on Seely: she is a changed dog! The medication has helped a lot after she got used to it, and there’s a lot less excessive barking and general anxiety. She even comes and sits next to August on her own! I can’t thank you enough, our house has never been so quiet.
Thanks for your help,”
— Calyssa N., Royce City, Texas
“Thanks, Scott. I had some key takeaways from our discussions, as well as some small ones. You mentioned in one of your handouts that I should give my attention to Snoofy EVERY time that that he comes to me. It’s been a great opportunity to bond, as well as the additional training together. It was also good to hear your positive style of training vs. shock collars and punishment. We’ll be a happier dog family due to your involvement.”
— Jim S., Dallas, Texas
“Hi Scott,
Kramer had his yearly checkup and was so well behaved when the scary doctor and tech came in and out. We told Dr. Lopez how amazing your work has been with Kramer and that he should be comfortable in recommending your services. Kramer’s daily walks have been uneventful even with several triggers. We are having overnight guests next week so we’ll see how he does. Thank you for helping us with our boy!”
— Andi and Howard R., Frisco, Texas
“Thank you soooo much. We didn’t think it was possible. This seems to be the morning ritual now. Tau was the Leonberger you helped who fell in the sibling rivalry category.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”
— Kevin E., Rome, Texas
“Hi. I just wanted to thank you again for working with my dog Joni, my daughter Erin and me last spring/summer. Joni is doing so well! No growling, etc. I took her to the vet today, she is the person who recommended that we seek your counsel, and I’m so glad we followed her advice!
My best,”
— Elizabeth F., Dallas, Texas
“Hi Scott,
Just wanted to let you know that Zenta (you helped me with her fear aggression several month ago for Mazie’s Mission). Is doing GREAT! She was adopted by a man who absolutely adores her! She goes out in public, to dog parks, PetSmart, whatever with absolutely no issues! She is healthy and happy.
Thank you so much for saving this fantastic dog!”
— Tammy C., Van Alstyne, Texas
“Your methodology regarding territorial fear aggression worked with Cass this weekend! He got comfortable enough with a stranger being in his territory to ignore the stranger and play like they weren’t there. I was so happy at the progress that I cried - this has been stressful to think about how he would react with the training techniques.
Just wanted to let you know that you impacted my life and Cass’ life profoundly for the better and we are much happier because of it!
— Britt M., Dallas, Texas
“Dear Scott,
Thank you again for helping us with Wooly. He is almost done weaning off of his medication & is doing so great. Every morning he knows it’s time for his medication & he’s a champ with it. His light chasing has decreased dramatically & if he ever does start to chase, we can distract him instantly. He also loves going on walks outside now; he used to be so scared! He never has a problem with the lights on our phones, laptop or from the window anymore either. His personality has really been blossoming & we thank you for that. We use the thunder cap in the car still (although we forgot once & he did AMAZING without it) & he loves the deer antler you suggested. He’s the most playful, cuddly & lovable little guy.
Thank you,”
— Donna E., Dallas, Texas
“Hi Scott!!! Happy New Year! Jason and I hope you are well. I just wanted to reach out to you to tell you how grateful we are for you! You helped us so much. We have spent the last year (or more) using all of the advice and techniques you have taught us. We were diligent. Look at the babies now!!!!! This is normal now and they are both on the couch with me! We even had my mom’s dogs come and stay with us over Christmas with no issues!! Roxanne and Rozanna have had no issues and Thor is even more at peace!! You are amazing, kind and a blessing. We hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday and a happy new year!”
— Sarah R., Trenton, Texas
“Hi Scott,
Just wanted you to know that all the advice you gave us is working out well. The girls are behaving well. Thanks for all your help.”
— Lorrie G., Garland, Texas
“Hi Scott,
We purchased a number of your videos over the weekend and must say the leash training is miraculous! Our little Norwich Terrier is a sidewalk terror for us and everyone else, humans and dogs alike. I wish I had found you a long time ago. I’m sure we will need help with the behavior modification, so I will schedule a phone conference with you when we begin that process.
Thanks again!”
— Marcia D., Dallas, Texas
We just wanted to say thank you again for all that you’ve done for us! Megan and I were just discussing how kind and helpful you were toward us and Winston. You will forever be known as the “dog whisperer”. We hope you enjoy the picture and that all is well. Keep up the excellent work!”
— Nathan B., Flower Mound, Texas
“Hi Scott!
Adam and I took a road trip up to Norman, OK this week to visit my sister. I was so worried after the car accident that he would never want to be in the car that long but he was awesome! He has been getting in and out of the car without issue and is never bothered by passing traffic when he’s in the car. We had semi trucks behind us and he wasn’t fazed. He’s come such a long way! There were days after the crash that he barked at every car behind us and would tremble in fear. The car is a happy place for him again!
We are not quite ready to walk down Marsh, but we have made a lot of progress! I can even walk in a pretty straight line now. I really wish the rain would go away so would practice even more! Adam hasn’t been barking at cars or running to get away from them anymore but is still focusing on them more than he used to. He’s been mostly ignoring car sounds on TV, too.
I felt so hopeless after our crash that my dog, that once loved going everywhere with me, would have to stay at home and avoid the car-filled world. I cannot thank you enough for guiding us through this and helping him become his happy self again. I’m excited to send you another update of us walking down busy roads.
I hope you and Barbara are doing well!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
— Jessica S., Addison, Texas
“Hello Scott,
I just wanted to thank you and Barbara again for your help, professionalism and hospitality. I also wanted to say that I am truly thankful for your ability to read the situation not only with Zoey, but with myself as an owner - this is not a talent most people have. Also, you have been able to give us the confidence to accomplish what I thought was impossible! We have been practicing and are so thankful for your help!
— Brook H., Carrollton, Texas
“Hello Scott,
I just wanted to say ‘thank you’ again for your help with my little Gracie. I am diligently doing my best to follow and implement all the structures and rules you taught me, and am already seeing BIG changes. I truly do feel that you were a Godsend, and will always be eternally grateful to the Lord for leading me to you and for the amazing help you gave me. I really don’t know what I would have done if it hadn’t been for finding you. You do very important work, and you do it absolutely expertly! I really don’t know what else to say, but from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Many Blessings,”
— Gabrielle H., Melissa, Texas
“Hi Scott,
Just a quick update on Miss CoCo. We have relocated to Dubai and she made the journey with us (sadly dogs and cats don’t get air miles). So from being a fearful, unsure of herself pooch with separation anxiety, we have gotten to this stage (pictured) of how we are greeted when we’ve been out of the house for a few hours.
It’s been a long road and there have been times when I didn’t think I’d get it, but we stuck with using the tools you gave us and we now have a great dog.
Once again thank you for everything.
Warm regards,”
— Maria D., Dubai (formerly Dallas, Texas)
“Hello Mr. Scott,
We just wanted to tell you that our Dugun no longer barks anymore when we leave because of separation anxiety; one time he didn’t even look our way was as he was too busy chewing his bone!
Thank you so much for all the help.”
— Celia D., Dallas, Texas
“Hey Scott, hope you and Barb are keeping well. Just a quick update on Miss CoCoBa. She has come around in leaps and bounds. She takes herself off to her crate on the upstairs lounge to chill out for a few hours. We are now able to leave her loose in the lounge if we are working in the garage with no protesting or destruction.
We’ve built up to leaving her in the crate for 6 hours and, despite her excitement, will sit within 5 seconds of us walking in and understands affection only happens when there are 4 on the floor.
Thank you for all your support and advice. She has gone from a cute but unsure pooch to a well-rounded pup. She loves everyone and everything and is best friends with a 4 lb. Chihuahua and a 120 lb. Ridgeback.”
— Maria D., Dallas, Texas
“Hello Scott and Barbara,
I want to update you on Ellie. With the combination of the medication, the training tips you taught me and the desensitization which has been ongoing, Ellie is rapidly changing. Now on walks, she is not wary with low tolerance and instead she trots confidently with her ears pricked up. She used to need urging (and sometimes lifting) into and out of the car but now she loads and unloads without any hesitation. I took her to the vet last week and she walked in (on leash) without pause, sat next to me while we waited. Gone are the days when she huddled up in the corner trembling! I still have the foster/rescue dog and they are best pals, playing for hours and I walk them together. I wanted to give you a positive update (2 paws up!) on the success we are experiencing with your guiding hand.”
— Catherine R., Addison, Texas
Thank you so much for the invaluable tools, tips and training you’ve given to Frankie and I. I am much more prepared to respond appropriately to Frankie than I was before we met you. I’m more confident that I’m making the best choices for her and the other dogs. Frankie has made so much progress since I found her, but I’ve seen even more improvement since we started training with you.
Of course, it helps that you and Barbara are such special people. Still can’t believe you’ve been to Villalobos and watch Pit Bulls and Parolees. That is a common interest that I don’t have in common with most people. 😊”
— Jane P., Dallas, Texas
“Hey Scott & Barbara,
I just wanted to say thank you for all of the help that you have given to Cody, Ethel and me! I am confident we wouldn’t be doing nearly as well as we are without your support, training and love! You are both so wonderful and I am certain we will stay in touch. Please let me know if I can ever be of any help to either of you! Thanks again, you are both the best!”
— Lauren M., Mesquite, Texas
“Hi Scott,
I just wanted to thank you again for all your help with Finnegan. We’ve made tons of progress on meal-time, and now Finnegan and Hamish are eating in the same room without any trouble.
We appreciate your help - we’re seeing a marked difference in how our boys behave. They’re much more at ease now than even a few weeks ago.
Have a great day!”
— Dane and Natalie B., Dallas, Texas
“Our little 11-month-old Shih Tzu, Carter, was becoming more fearful and then aggressive because of his fear as the months went by. Scott came highly recommended to us by very good friends, and we now know why. Scott was able to come in and in three sessions with Carter gain his trust, help him build his confidence that everyone wasn’t out to kill him :-) and, most importantly, give Bob and I the tools to continue to help Carter learn how to be a happy, trusting member of our family. We have seen a marked difference in all that Carter does, and we could not recommend Scott highly enough.”
— Karen and Bob M., Dallas, Texas
“Hello Scott,
We have been able to translate what you did for us into our everyday interactions with both of our dogs. The tools and training you provided are sustainable because you took the time to understand and assess our family and the dynamic (i.e., two teenagers that can undo training and definitely create inconsistency). I so much appreciate that your training and methodology were specifically tailored to our dog, Roman. It didn’t bully or intimidate; it worked with his giant but gentile nature and did not break his spirit. He responded so very well, likely because you spoke in his language and dialect.
Roman is doing great. The “go to mat” cue is our favorite and most frequently used. The loose leash walking is still a work in progress.
Please stay in touch. I know the referral I sent you had a great visit with you and she is hopeful that Ranger will progress well. More referrals on the way.”
— Marc and Cathy J., Dallas, Texas
“We thoroughly searched for a qualified dog behaviorist for our seven month old Border Collie, Ace. Ace had an overwhelmingly strong reaction to moving objects, particularly cars and trucks. Scott recognized the severity of the problem immediately and recommended an intense program using tools for behavior modification that were very effective. We met with Scott and he laid out a plan of action that has been extremely successful. He asked questions and listened to our answers. We are grateful for Scott’s expertise and his sincere desire to help Ace with his severe reactive nature. It is comforting to know someone like Scott is near when we need him. Thanks Scott.”
— Charles and Glenda D., Dallas, Texas
“We contacted Scott after our 12 month old Golden Retriever ate our Loveseat and started acting aggressively toward our three year old Golden Retriever.
Scott immediately helped us differentiate between “bad aggressive behavior” and “positive playful behavior” and taught us ways to help teach and reward desired behavior versus only reprimanding them when they do something that is unacceptable.
His manner with the dogs was firm yet always gentle and he always showed great respect and care for the animals. With us (the ones really being trained!), he was clear in his direction, gave us context as to why he was doing certain things and gave us real time feedback and support as we practiced.
Now, all of our furniture is in one piece and there is not only peace in the family but they actually like each other!”
— Bryan and Cheryl P., Dallas, Texas
“We have two very bright Australian Shepherds. They are smart enough to continually push the boundaries of who is in charge. When the younger dog snapped at my daughter when she wanted him to do something he did not want to do, we knew we had a serious problem. Scott helped us understand the dogs’ approach to us and what our approach should be to the dogs. He’s given us advice on diet, medication and training. We are following “doctor’s orders” and we’ve seen measurable improvement in the dogs’ behavior in a matter of weeks. Scott is easy to work with and goes far beyond the old “teach them who’s boss” approach. We have been very satisfied with Scott’s assistance and the results.”
— David E., Dallas, Texas
“Our VCA veterinarian highly recommended Scott’s services to help us with our new family member, Blue. Blue is 1.5 year old male Australian Shepherd/Lab mix. My wife and I adopted him from the Dallas SPCA about 8 weeks ago. Blue was a bit anxious in his new home and he had some habits such as counter-surfing, trash-hounding and rambunctious manners.
Scott came to our and Blue’s rescue and after only three in-home sessions, over about 4 weeks, Blue has shown remarkable improvement in all areas. Scott made the sessions very informative and fun for us and Blue. After the first session we had a doable plan that we were able to immediately start with Blue, which also produced immediate results.
Scott’s methods and compassion for his profession and dogs are very evident. We would highly recommend him for your loving pet. Outstanding job Scott! Thank you so much.”
— Jim and Mary Ellen C., Coppell, Texas
“Scott made such an improvement in our 8 month old Lab/Pit rescue puppy! We realize she is really just a puppy and it has been a long time since we’ve had a dog; so I am sure we probably learned more than she did. Scott uses such a logical thought process and calm demeanor to teach the puppy the correct way to behave. We are looking forward to having such a well behaved dog for a long time. Thank you Scott!”
— Melinda D., Dallas, Texas
“I’m Gus - a 60 pound 20 month-old Bull Terrier (you can see some pictures of me on the left). After being in rescue for 8 weeks, I was adopted by people who had just lost their 16 year-old Bull Terrier.
Boy was I scared. They expected me to behave just like their old Bull Terrier. And I was really uncomfortable. I tried to lick them a lot, jump in their laps and jump up on them. I guess they didn’t like it because they sure were stern with me. All I was doing was saying hello and telling them how much I wanted to be part of their family.
That’s where Scott came in and saved the day. He quickly figured out what I wanted and what my people wanted and immediately started to turn things around. We worked together on lots of skills – loose leash walking, front door manners, stay, sit, come, down, good boy and “hey”! I even know which couch I can nap on – and, which I can’t.
But, most of all I’m no longer scared. I overheard people talking the other day and they said I was part of the family. This is my forever home and they are my people – Woof!
Thanks Mr. Scott! Please don’t be a stranger – my people may need a refresher course every now and then.”
— Gus (Owner of Michael and Ronnie S., Dallas, Texas)
“Hi Scott,
I very much enjoyed the training class and appreciate the care and effort you and your wife put forth towards helping these precious animals. The tools I’ve learned have made a huge impact already with my dog, and I know with continued practice things will just keep getting better. Your openness and willingness to address questions are also invaluable. I will be extending what I’ve learned to try and help train dogs at Operation Kindness when I volunteer.
Thanks again!”
— Melissa W., Little Elm, Texas
“Hey Scott,
Just wanted to let you know how happy we are with Chip and Rowdy’s recent training. The change in behavior has been dramatic, and we now feel we have the tools to work with them and improve our relationship. Our Jack Russell Terriers are so smart, and with effective communication and understanding of their needs, we feel we have enhanced all of our lives. “The boys” seem so much more at ease, and we have a very happy home.
We owe that all to you. Thank you again for the patient instruction, flexible training schedule and awesome personality. It was truly a great expericence, and look forward to working with you on some advanced training for Rowdy in the future.
— Dan S. and Bobby B., Dallas, Texas
“I found my dog, Max, from Operation Kindness as a very young puppy. He has the personality of loving everyone (wanting to be petted) and every dog (wanting to play). This behavior got out of hand. When someone (friends) would come to the door, he would get excited and jump on the visitor and other bad acts. Totally out of control. At 8 months old - I knew I had to do something. I found Scott from the Operation Kindness web site and visited his web site and thought I would give him a try. Scott came over to my house and I did not try to stop Max. Scott later said it was about the worst greeting behavior that he had ever seen and I tend to agree. Scott did a great job. Max stopped jumping on visitors after 2 sessions with Scott and after the 3rd session would go to a pad on command and wait for the visitor to enter and would wait for them to invite him. Scott completed what I wanted after 3 sessions and the training for now is complete. He did a great job and I highly recommend Scott for your difficult dog training problems.
Thanks Scott.”
— Michael F., Farmers Branch, Texas
“I just wanted to thank you again for all your help. It is amazing how well Holly is doing with loose leash walking. Sunday we went out to practice and after only three corrections she walked beautifully. And today only two corrections and we had a lovely walk. It is so nice to walk her without her pulling me and me pulling on her neck. She is also doing great with her manners when entering and exiting our home by reading just my body language cues. I am being stricter with the kids and how they interact with her too. Thank you! It is amazing how one hour could be so helpful.”
— Julie R., Plano, Texas
“Hi Scott. Thanks so much for your patience with training me and my dogs. I especially like the way you train with no type of force (e.g., no choke collars, no alpha-rolls, etc.). You taught me how to be the kind, strong leader which has especially helped with my fearful dog to become less fearful and therefore more under control. My dogs have learned to get back from the door when the doorbell rings because I have learned to show them that I own that space. You taught me how to apply this technique to many other areas such as making them wait to eat their food until I say it’s okay and stopping before entering into the house until I say it’s okay. Bandit and Minda are benefitting from such rules and are therefore calmer and more under control while still maintaining their same loving and playful demeanor. Thanks again.”
— Arla R., Farmers Branch, Texas
“Hi Scott. I just checked out the pictures I took of you with our little dog, Gidgit. It’s very obvious how much she adores you! She was a diamond in the rough and you knew that all along. We enjoy her so much more now that you’ve worked your magic on our little family. We enjoyed every minute of our training sessions and are truly grateful for your expertise and loving care.”
— Deana J., Dallas, Texas
“Scott, we enjoyed working with you. You quickly diagnosed our dog’s problem and provided us with a clear and easy to follow remedy. In just 3 sessions with you we moved forward and now it’s just a matter of follow-through on our part. So far everything is going very well.
Thanks for your help. FYI, we will be recommending you to other dog owners.
Happy training.”
— Sharon W., Dallas, Texas
“Scott had great patience working with my dog who has a fear of men due to prior abuse. He gave her gentle attention during each class. By the end of the five week group class as we were standing around talking she rolled over on her back and invited him to rub her belly - a level of trust and relaxation I truly didn’t expect when we started!”
— Dyann S., Dallas, Texas
“Scott, Thanks for conducting your obedience training course; I found it very beneficial and enjoyable. I would highly recommend you to anyone who has canine control problems. Thanks again.”
— Vince M., Carrollton, Texas
“Scott - Your compassion, patience, and expertise while working with us and our rescue beagle, Mobey, have been amazing. A few weeks ago I didn’t think it would be possible to ever socialize him. Today he is a confident, curious pup who will be able to enjoy the life he deserves. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!”
— Barbara G., Addison, Texas
“I contacted Scott to help me with teaching my German Shepherd (Jethro) to walk beside me instead of dragging me on walks and not to act aggressively when he sees another dog or people. On the first session Scott told me why Jethro was acting the way he was. With Scott’s help, not only have we achieved loose leash walking, but Jethro’s aggression is much better in the car and elsewhere. Scott also provided knowledge on behaviors, how to communicate to my dog through body language, and the importance of consistency! The results from the training have been more than I ever thought possible in such a short time. I just wish that I had called Scott first instead of trying to do it myself. I’m thankful for the opportunity that I had to work with Scott.”
— Steve C., Dallas, Texas
“I first contacted Scott to help me with teaching my dog to walk beside me instead of dragging me on walks. I learned quite quickly that the problem wasn’t just loose leash walking. Scott took great diligence to educate me not only on how to achieve loose leash walking. He provided a wealth of knowledge on dog behaviors, proofing commands, how to communicate to my dog through body language, and the importance of consistency! My dog was taking commands from Scott very quickly which gave me the confidence that I could do it too! She is now walking politely and obeying commands consistently with one request. I’m thankful for the opportunity that I had to work with Scott. Thank you for all that you do!”
— Julie S., Rockwall, Texas
“Scott started training my Labrador, Bo, at about 3 years old. I was in need of training more so than Bo. Scott has helped me with my consistency, which has made life much better with Bo. We’ve only had 3 sessions, but what an improvement! I have a few people that are now wanting to use Scott for help with their dogs. Scott is amazing.”
— Layne H., Irving, Texas
“Scott has been such a huge blessing to me! My Border Collies were running the show, and I was at my wits end! In the first lesson, they seemed to be different dogs. He has given me the confidence to lead my pack, and makes me excited to work with them. He teaches with such poise and honesty, and makes you feel like you can succeed even as he is correcting you. I would recommend him to ALL of my “dog” friends.”
— Courtney K., Allen, Texas
“Scott Sheaffer started training our Standard German Schnauzer when she was barely four months old. She is very active and stubborn. Scott is amazing! After three sessions and our continued practice she now can sit, stay, come and ring the bell to go outside. In the last three weeks no accidents. He is the best!”
— Walter H., Richardson, Texas
“Scott helped me with my dog to such an extent that I asked for his business cards for our groomer to give out to some of his customers who need a trainer. I am really pleased with how he helped us.”
— Judy B., Addison, Texas
“Scott helped me to learn techniques that I can apply daily with my dog to teach her obedience and discipline. Understanding how my dog thinks and responds to stimuli has proven very helpful as I apply the techniques that Scott has shown me.”
— Chris H., Lantana, Texas
“About six months ago our family rescued a five-month old female German Shepherd (Maddie). We were already an owner of two other German Shepherds and were sure our experience would allow us the opportunity to adequately help this beautiful puppy integrate into our family life. Maddie proved to be a handful and progressively became uncontrollable around other dogs showing “dog aggressive” traits. We were lost!
We would like to express our heart-filled thanks to you Scott! You are an incredible trainer with lots of patience and kindness which was demonstrated as you helped prepare me in changing Maddie’s behavior. Your knowledge and professionalism allowed, after just a few training sessions, the ability for me to learn several techniques for correcting Maddie’s behavior. Maddie now passes by other dogs without exhibiting sheer aggression and it allows us as a family to be less stressed and confident in handling her to adapt to changes as they arise.
We highly recommend you to anyone! Our experience was rewarding and you have the upmost respect from both Maddie and our family!
Thank you so much!”
— Pat and Anne R., Dallas, Texas
“Thank you so much. I really feel good about Baku’s future quality of life. He’s been my toughest rescue. You’ve helped more than you can ever know. I’ll keep you updated.”