6 Additional Words I Wish Dog Owners and Dog Trainers Wouldn’t Use
In an earlier article, 3 Words I Wish Dog Owners and Dog Trainers Wouldn’t Use, I identified 3 words that make me cringe a little bit when I hear them: “alpha, pack and dominant”. As a postscript to that article, I identify 6 more cringe-worthy words below that need to be removed from the world’s canine vocabulary.
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After working with many thousands of dogs and their owners, here are the top 15 things I’ve learned about dogs and their owners. These are presented in no particular order.
Barking is not the problem; it’s a symptom of an issue.
This is best explained with an example: When dogs bark at people or dogs, they’re usually barking because they want to scare away the scary people or scary dogs (scary to them, that is). The real issue is they are fearful of these things, and the fear/arousal is what needs to be addressed.